Category: Treasures

Betrayal Was Engulfing Me

When I thought life couldn’t get any worse, I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). My first thoughts were,“Finally, an answer to my symptoms.” I was naïve to the reality of the diagnosis. And, in the middle of that new understanding, I was kicked in the stomach with betrayal once again. The depth of this …

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Food for Thought

It is the end of the year, a time when I start to ponder what new goals, mantras, or intentions I will put in place for the coming year. I spend the time between New Year’s Day and Epiphany Sunday revisiting the treasures I found throughout the year that really resonated with me, to review …

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An Unexpected Gift

I hear from my clients more and more that their lives are busier than ever. The month of December can compound this busyness with all the extra shopping, gift wrapping, decorating, and menu planning, cooking, and baking. One Thursday morning in early December I had a conversation with a client. We started off with the …

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A Welcomed Helper


My Treasures

I have been a walker 30-plus years. I occasionally find pennies, quarters, sometimes dollars as I take in my surroundings. For years now when I picked them up, I’ve thought, “Oh! I found a treasure. Thank you!” Eventually, when I finally arrived home with my small treasure in hand, Because I believe in the amazing power of …

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I Want to Be Me Again

In a previous post, Where Does It All Start? I shared a little bit about a homework assignment that started me on my road to recovery. The assignment: ponder the question, What do I really want? Today, I share what I wrote on the very first line of that legal pad. I wrote, “I want to be me …

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The Innocence of a Yoga Class

I was in a Monday morning yoga class; we had just started warming up the muscles of our lower backs. I was attempting to push the “to do list’ out of my thoughts, to get into the present moment, when out of nowhere, there it was, big as life itself. A cascade of sadness engulfed my entire …

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