Don’t Let the Flu Rob You!

The flu season is responsible for over $10.4 (1) billion in medical care expenses each year and 2013 is already on track to break records. Shorter days, lack of sun exposure, and reduced physical activity make it all too easy for the flu to pick pocket us as we retreat indoors each fall. It’s not too late to avoid wasting flumoney on doctor visits and countless boxes of Kleenex. Investing a fraction of those costs in to your immune system can defend against sick days and miserable sleepless nights. After all, the immune system is the only tried and proven effective protection against the flu.
Your immune system is a complicated, interesting and amazing system designed to keep you healthy and strong, protecting your body from environmental stressors.These stressors creep in more each day as the fall weather declines and our bodies are forced to adapt; quickly. Add in the self-imposed stress of the upcoming holiday season and you have the ideal conditions for a weakened immune system, with the fatigue and sickness that follows close behind.
Your immune system is constantly fighting off bacterial infections, viral infections, the flu, cancer or anything else that may try to harm you. In most cases, the immune system wins, but unfortunately that’s not always the case. Conventional medical interventions (particularly antibiotics) originally developed to save lives when the body is in a crisis, are now being used widely as the “first line of defense” without allowing the body to do its work first. As a result, many experts agree that we have caused microbes to rapidly evolve to the point where some are resistant to antibiotics altogether. The everyday use of external treatments to kill germs, including antibacterial soaps, has also contributed to this growing issue. Remember, antibiotics are not effective against viral infections, like the flu.
M’lis, the company I was certified by, provides essential immune boosting products to strengthen the body’s ability to fight infection and reserve the use of medications for emergencies only. What can you do to boost your immune?
1. Reduce stress. Stress greatly impacts your immune system’s function. In fact, it has been estimated that up to 90 percent of illness and disease is stress-related.
2. Exercise regularly. When you exercise you increase your circulation and blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it has a chance to spread.
3. Wash your hands often. Washing your hands decreases your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don’t use antibacterial soap for this — overuse of antibacterial soap causes far more harm than good.
4. Avoid sugar.Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately. It is especially imperative to avoid sugar if you feel you are coming down with something. Keeping sugar out of your diet for the long haul will do wonders for your health and make your body stronger.
5. Get enough rest. Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you’re tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight off disease. Regular rest will keep you strong and ensure that your body has the strength to fight off any potential invaders.
6. Plentiful Trio: immune boosting supplements VITAL Antioxidant: Packed with natural antioxidants, VITAL strengthens the immune system, purifies the blood stream, improves the digestive process, and fights infection and free radical damage. 
VITAMIN D: Inability to receive large doses of sunlight during the winter months severely limits our intake of Vitamin D. Known mostly for improving the immune system, Vitamin D is also beneficial for preventing diseases and infections. Increased levels of Vitamin D have shown to diminish the likelihood of respiratory 
DAILY Multivitamin/Mineral: A complete combination of essential vitamins and minerals that boost the body’s energy levels all day and help the body sustain an active metabolism. 
A weak immune system exacerbates any health problem. So to be prepared and avoid those sleepless nights and boxes of Kleenex give me a call at 860-628-8857 to order your supplements or stop by my salon at 51 North Main Street in Southington, CT to get started on your winter immune boosting regime. Let’s use that potential down time for some play time.
Photo courtesy of  By Michal Marcol /
Post by: Casey Morley – “I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my mybook,Crawling Out,due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.”

Helping Victims of Domestic Violence …. One Blog Post at a Time

Many wonderful people came to visit my booth during the Apple Harvest Festival in Southington, CT this past October. I was thrilled that so many people eagerly took the opportunity to order copies of my soon-to-Casey & Chuck at Apple Harvest 2be-published book, Crawling Out.

Since October was Domestic Violence awareness month, I took part in the CUT IT OUT “Give the Power Back” campaign. The goal is to give victims of domestic violence the voice and courage to speak up and seek help. Throughout the months of October and November I held a fundraising and awareness drive at my salon at 51 N. Main St. in Southington, CT to help victims of domestic abuse.

During the festival I made a couple of videos, one with my friend Chuck Miceli author of Amanda’s Room, showing the two of us “Authors at Play”. In the other “Abuse No More” video, I asked for you read my blog post on Signs and Symptoms of Abuse. This is important to me because of the experiences I have had standing behind my stylist chair….

You see, when I share with my clients the very disturbing abuse statistics, [and that I was once a victim of domestic violence] so many are downright shocked. Unfortunately, I’ve learned the only way we can truly make a difference in the lives of victims, is to share the ugly truth …. even when it’s painful to hear and difficult talk about. 

Many victims of domestic violence miss some of the first subtle forms of abuse, which can quickly escalate into physical violence. While bruises and other physical markings of abuse heal over time, the underlying mental and emotional damage can last a lifetime. No one deserves to be abused. Sadly millions of women, children and men all over the world are abused every day. The sad truth is only a fraction have the courage to seek help …. we all know someone who has endured abuse or who is  currently silently suffering from it.

It is my hope that EVERYONE will help me put a stop to this nationwide epidemic. Just knowing the signs and symptoms of abuse could save a life! Please check out my Resources page. Perhaps you will find a way to get involved by donating just a small amount of your time and/or money to one of the many wonderful organizations that help victims. By simply sharing my website with the people on your contact list, you could provide a discreet avenue for someone who is suffering to to find the help they need. You never know which one of my blog posts will shed a glimmer of light and provide the gentle nudge to a new awareness.


Post by: Casey Morley – “I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my Crawling_Out_Cover_FINALbook,Crawling Out,due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.”


Authors at Play

Casey and her friend Chuck Miceli showcase their books outside of Casey’s Salon during the 2013 Apple Casey & Chuck at Apple HarvestHarvest Festival in Southington Connecticut.



Post by: Casey Morley – “I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.”

Abuse No More

To honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month Casey created this video. Be sure to post a comment below and let us know what you think….. Domestic_Violence_Prevention_Month 3





Post by: Casey Morley – “I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.”

Signs and Symptoms of Domestic Abuse

Domestic Violence Defined:

According to CCADV (the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc.) Domestic Violence is defined as a coercive, controlling behavior that can include physical, emotional, psychological, sexual or financial abuse. Victims are left feeling scared, confused, dependent and insecure about their ability to october_domestic_violence_purple_ribbonsurvive on their own, financially or otherwise. The children of a battered parent must contend with these same fears and realities. Domestic Violence is a pervasive, life-threatening crime that affects millions of individuals across the United States regardless of their age, economic status, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or education.

1 in 4 women have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner at some point in their life.

Signs of an Abusive Relationship:

Abusers use a variety of methods to control, intimidate and isolate victims, including:

  • Stalking and harassment, such as following you or coming to your home or work uninvited.
  • Physical violence, such as pushing, slapping or hitting
  • Economic control, such as refusing to give you money or preventing you from working
  • Being overly jealous about your relationships with others
  • Disrespecting your family and friends, and keeping you from seeing or talking to them.
  • Humiliating you in public
  • Controlling means of communication, such as your phone or computer

Of Females killed with a firearm, almost two-thirds are killed by an intimate partner.

The Warning Signs of Domestic Abuse Victims:

According to the NNEDV (National Network to End Domestic Violence) victims of abuse may:

  • Seem afraid or anxious to please their partner
  • Go along with everything their partner says and doesDomestic_Violence_Prevention_Month 3
  • Check in often with their partner to report where they are and what they’re doing
  • Receive frequent, harassing phone calls from their partner
  • Talk about their partner’s temper, jealousy, or possessiveness
  • Have frequent injuries, with the excuse of “accidents”
  • Frequently miss work, school, or social occasions, without explanation
  • Dress in clothing designed to hide bruises or scars (e.g. wearing long sleeves in the summer or sunglasses indoors)
  • Be restricted from seeing family and friends
  • Rarely go out in public without their partner
  • Have limited access to money, credit cards, or the car
  • Have very low self-esteem, even if they used to be confident
  • Show major personality changes (e.g. an outgoing person becomes withdrawn)

Visit and take a brief quiz to help you determine if you’re in an abusive relationship.

Subtle Warning Signs of an Abuser:

Abusers tend to share many common behaviors, and use similar tactics to gain power and control over their partners.. They may:

  • Insist on moving too quickly into a relationship
  • Be very charming and may seem too good to be true
  • Insist that you stop participating in leisure activities or spending time with family and friends
  • Be extremely jealous or controlling
  • Do not take responsibility for their actions and blame others for everything that goes wrong
  • Criticize their partner’s appearance and make frequent put-downs.

Often the words and actions of an abuser do not match. It’s important to keep in mind any one of these behaviors may not indicate abusive actions – but it’s important to know the red flags and take time to explore them. Like victims, domestic violence abusers come from all backgrounds. They typically behave differently with others than they do with their partner. Abusers make it very difficult for victims to escape relationships. They are very good at making victims think that the abuse is their fault. Victims often believe that if they caused the violence, they can also stop it. Sadly, many survivors suffer from abuse for decades.

Cut it Out – Salons Against Domestic Abuse reminds us …..

While most perpetrators are men, most men are NOT perpetrators.

Often when people think of domestic abuse, they envision battered women being physically assaulted. But not all abusive relationships are outwardly violent. Many men and women suffer from emotional abuse, which is just as damaging but often minimized or overlooked. Many people think physical abuse is worse than emotional abuse. Physical violence may leave you with scars, but the scars of emotional abuse are just as real and run very deep. In fact, emotional abuse can be just as destructive as physical abuse—sometimes even more so.



Abusers are very good at controlling and manipulating their victims. People who have been emotionally abused or battered are depressed, drained, scared, ashamed, and confused. Most need help to get out, yet they’ve often been isolated from their family and friends. It’s important for survivors to know that the abuse is not their fault, and they are not alone. Help is available for those who suffer from domestic violence. (

A 2010 study showed that 95% of survivors who sought assistance from their local DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGENCY were more knowledgeable about planning for their safety and more hopeful about the future.

Statistics courtesy of CCADV (CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence)


Crawling_Out_Cover_FINALPost by: Casey Morley – “I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.” 






Visit Casey at the Southington Apple Harvest Festival

Be sure to stop by and visit me as Southington’s 45th Apple Harvest Festival this weekend October 12th and 13th, 2013. I’ll have a table set up right outside my salon at 51 North Main Street.  apple harvest festival

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and I will be holding a fundraiser to benefit the CUT IT OUT: Salons Against Domestic Abuse nationwide “Give the Power Back” Fundraising and Awareness Drive to help victims of domestic violence find the voice and courage to speak out and seek help. 

Proceeds from the “Give the Power Back” Drive go directly to CUT IT OUT: Salons Against Domestic Abuse and local community domestic violence shelters. CUT IT OUT is a national organization that trains salon professionals to recognize the signs of domestic abuse and safely and confidentially help clients, co-workers, friends and family seek out local resources for help.

For information on CUT IT OUT: Salons Against Domestic Abuse, visit or contact Rachel Molepske at or 480.455.3453 (800.468.2274. ext. 3453).

Be sure to stop by my table at the Apple Harvest Festival October 12th & 13th to find out how you can get involved!  

Post by: Casey Morley – “I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.”


Meet the Author

Check out Casey’s “Meet the Author” interview with Jason Alster ……




Crawling_Out_Cover_FINALPost by: Casey Morley – “I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.”




Baring Your Soul in Public ….

Baring your soul in public requires courage and a strong sense of self-worth. Casey Morley had not much of the first and none of the latter when she began writing her story, longhand, on a yellow legal pad. What drove her to commit word to paper was determination−to break the cycle of abuse and domestic Crawling_Out_Cover_FINALviolence she had lived for 50+ years, and to try to make a better life for her young son, Michael.

I did not come to the process until several years later when the script on the pile of legal pads was transcribed to a computer file. By that time, I’d known Casey for about 20 years and considered her a casual friend. When she asked me to edit her manuscript, all I think I asked her was, “Are you sure?” I’m known to have a heavy hand with the red pen.

Sure enough, that’s how my part of this adventure began. But I quickly realized that what made Casey’s painful story so easy to read was her voice, the tone with which she wrote. It’s as if you and she are sharing a cup of coffee and she’s relating her story. The red pen had very little place here.

Casey and I worked for about three years polishing the book. During that time, we shed tears beyond imagination, shared grief, bolstered each other. I watched Casey move through the cycle of growth as she read the book to me, page by page, many times, as I edited on the computer, asked questions, brought out more stories.

Casey progressed from barely able to speak because of the tears, to anger, to acceptance, to moving on. Where she initially had no self-worth, now she holds her head up high and proud. Courage is an innate part of her as she relies on her strong spirituality and sense of right and wrong to call attention to the horrors that are abuse and domestic violence. Working to curb those horrors is her goal.

Crawling Out tells of a life no one should ever experience. Casey did. Casey survived. Casey thrives in her new life. I’m proud to call her my dear friend, my sister.

This post brought to you by, Nancy Hooper, Editor                                                                            Newington, Connecticut

Roller Coasters – Either You Love Them or Hate Them

In my recent newsletter, I shared that I signed a publishing contract and that it was exciting as well as scary. The roller coaster of emotions has been crazy. One minute, one hour, or one day, excitement overwhelms me as I think, “Oh! I hope I help many with my story, my journey and, especially, my vulnerability.”roller coaster

The next minute, hour, or day, I am scared to death, wondering, “What am I doing? What have I signed up for? How big can this get? Am I strong enough, brave enough? Am I capable of staying on this new wild ride of life? Will this roller coaster scare me so much it shuts me down?”

I barely finished typing this second paragraph when I realized many thoughts and emotions were just bubbling up to the surface. As if someone was tapping me on the shoulder, saying, “Hey, I’m here again let’s talk”.  I paused and just listened to what my vulnerability was trying to say to me.

With my story being exposed am I setting myself up to be wounded again? Will people make comments that will feel like a kick in the stomach, testing me mentally and emotionally? Will this be the test of tests? If I am wounded, will I bounce back as quickly as I expect? I took a deep breath and decided I can’t give up now.

Since I believe what we think about we bring about, knowing all too well our thoughts create, attract, and manifest, should I be brought down I will consciously think about all the good possibilities of this book, all the people who could be nudged to a new awareness and moved to empowerment.

This six-year project that started with a 200,000-word, handwritten first draft is now down to the last 6 months. My heart is racing, sometimes frozen with fear, but I promise you, I will trust as I have all along that the courage and help I need will show up at the perfect moment. I am clear this has been a divinely guided journey and believe somehow, some way, I will survive while I tread through the foreign waters of self-publishing.

So please be with me. Keep me in your prayers. Perhaps send a message or two of encouragement. Remember that all along, the real mission here is not me surviving this roller coaster ride, but helping change the ride so many are on.

Victims of domestic violence don’t trust their own instincts any more. The manipulation or brainwashing goes so deep, they really are at the will of their abusers. Help me help them unmask the secrecy, give them hope, nudge them to a new awareness by sharing my website. Remember one statistic − 1 out of 3 people suffers abuse, and that stat reflects only those who talk about it. I was one of those who did not. I hid in shame and carried around someone else’s guilt.

I’ve learned to take back my power, my voice, but I and others not as strong need your help to alert the world. Together, we can move many to empowerment.

Photo courtesy of AJU Photography

Post by Casey Morley – I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.

How Often Should I Cleanse? How Our Bodies Are Affected by Toxins – Part 3

How Often Should I Cleanse?

The most frequently asked question I get from my clients concerning the Ion Cleanse footbath is, how often should I cleanse? If you spent any time reading How Our Bodies Are Affected by Toxins – Part 1 and Part 2, I would imagine you might have the same question.

The general formula for maximum detoxification with the Ion Cleanse:  cleanse 12-14 times – 3 times a week if under the age of 50, 2 times per week if over 50. Take 10 -14 days off –allow the body time to recover. Repeat the cleansing cycle of 12 -14 sessions followed by 10 -14 days off. [Example: a client who is 48 will do 4 cycles of 12 sessions for a total of 48 sessions]

This would mean the client has completed a full base detoxification program and is ready for a lifetime of maintenance. Lifetime Maintenance is simple, cleanse one time per week. Some might ask why continual cleansing? As I have said before we are exposed to toxins every day. In the above example a 48-year-old client has had 48 years of accumulating toxins. The base program plus lifetime maintenance will help to cleanse the body of initial toxic buildup and release further accumulation.

We're detoxifying the planet - 2 feet at a time!

We’re detoxifying the planet – 2 feet at a time!

There are clients who have discovered the value of detoxifying with the Ion Cleanse over time. Often they notice such a significant change in their physical health and mental attitude, they want to continue to cleanse. Others experience dramatic results after only one session. These individuals typically have more severe issues such as fibromyalgia, edema, arthritis, heavy metal poisoning, etc. I have found the more healthy individuals experience more subtle changes, such as more energy, a better sense of well-being, etc. I remind all my clients how important it is to be proactive by explaining the benefits of a preventative cleansing program, which removes toxins before they develop into a serious condition.

 I have had clients say “I crawled in here and now I am dancing out”; “my ankle is no longer swollen”; “When I sat down I was drained and exhausted, and I am leaving energized” and ” I come twice a week because I can’t stand looking at the fungus on my toes.”

Join the party! We’re detoxing the planet –  two feet at a time. Give me a call at my salon in downtown Southington, CT at 860-628-8857 to schedule an appointment today.

Photo courtesy of Ken Wilcox

Crawling Out Cover

Crawling Out

Post by: Casey Morley – “I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out,due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.”


Toxins Before Breakfast – How Our Bodies Are Affected by Toxins – Part 2

How the Systems of Our Bodies Are Affected by Environmental Toxins – Part 2

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have interesting facts about the toxic world we live in today. The U.S. Government and product manufacturers confirm that a variety of chemical POISONS are found in common foods and household products that are absorbed, ingested or inhaled by our bodies every day.

The following is a partial list of common toxins and the maladies that can result due to our exposure to them. Our bodies begin absorbing many of these poisons – even before we eat breakfast!

Alcohol, Acids & Alkali are linked to anemia, cancer, coughing, cramps, depression, disorientation, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, heart damage, muscle weakness, nerve damage, organ damage, rashes, respiratory problems, sleeping problems and vision problems.

Bleaches & Chlorines can cause anemia, child development problems, cancer, diabetes, gastrointestinalion cleanse cancer, gland cancer, headaches, heart disease, immune system breakdown, mental function difficulties, organ cancer, pulmonary edemas, severe eye problems, urinary tract cancer.

Detergents & Emulsifiers can cause allergic reactions, blindness, cancer, cataracts, interference with nutrient absorption, loss of hair, organ damage, reproductive damage, scalp eruptions, skin irritation and the stripping of skin’s protective oil.

Dyes & Fragrances [Synthetic] are linked to ADHD, allergic reactions, cancer, convulsions, depression, dizziness, headaches, Hodgkin’s, hyperactivity, irritability, Leukemia, muscular aches and pains, organ damage, behavioral and emotional problems, reproductive damage, skin rashes, stomach upsets, vertigo, violent coughing and sneezing and multiple types of tumors.

Heavy Metals[Toxic] can cause abdominal cramps, Alzheimer’s, brain disorder, cancer, emotional and immune system disorders, genetic damage, hyperactivity, motor skill difficulties, mouth sores, muscle weakness, nausea, pain in your bones and your joints, reduced intelligence and short attention span.

Fungicide, Insecticide & Pesticides are linked to ADHD, birth defects, cancer, death, dizziness, fatigue, flu like symptoms, genetic mutations, gland tumors, insomnia, memory loss, muscle weakness, nausea, nervous system disorder, pain in your bones and joints, organ damage, stomach cramps and swelling of body parts.

Petrochemicals can cause allergic reactions, asthma, cancer, depression and fatigue, headaches,  intestinal gas, immune system disorder, premature aging, pimples, rashes, respiratory failure, sensitivity to the sun and the splitting of your finger and toe nails.

Preservatives [Synthetic] & Volatile Organic Compounds [VOC’s] can cause asthma, cancer, cramps, digestive problems, eye and organ damage, headaches, mental confusion, muscle weakness, pain in your bones and your joints, reproductive damage, respiratory problems, skin rashes, tumors and much much more!

ion cleanse logoThe Ion Cleanse provides a thorough and efficient way to cleanse and purify the body I invite you to hop on the “detox ride” and join us in detoxing the planet – two feet at a time. Please take advantage of the anniversary special I have running until September 6, 2013. I look forward to assisting you in discovering what the colors in your footbath mean and helping you make good decisions about your health and well-being.

Post by Casey Morley – I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.

How the Systems of Our Bodies Are Affected by Envirionmental Toxins – Part 1

Since I am offering a special on the IonCleanse footbath in celebration of the 23 anniversary of my salon, in Southington Connecticut, I thought I’d share some valuable information about how our bodies are affected by environmental toxins.

When the Immune System is affected by toxins, we see an increased tendency to allergies and recurrention cleanse logo respiratory [nose, sinus or lung] or ear infections.  The Defense Systems can become more prone to cancer. [Infants and young children, as well as adults, are presently developing cancer at an alarming rate].

When the brain and nervous system are affected by toxins we experience headaches, difficulty thinking or remembering, inexplicable emotional ups and downs, inconsolable depression, irritability, moodiness, aggression, hyperactivity and/or extreme fatigue.

Toxins affecting the reproductive system cause a wide variety of sexual problems and infertility. When the endocrine system is affected, it contributes to illnesses such as Diabetes and Thyroid Disease. Affected muscular systems will experience twitches, tics, muscle pains or weakness, possibly leading to Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Pakinson’s disease.

Toxins affecting the skeletal system can cause chronic swelling and stiffness, which eventually leads to pain and permanent joint deformities. When the heart and circulatory system are affected we can see high blood pressure or irregular heart beats. Affected blood vessels can cause us to experience abnormal bleeding of the skin, joints, breasts, urine and elsewhere.

The IonCleanse footbath provides a thorough and efficient way to eliminate toxins and purify the body.  Please give me a call @ 860-628-8857 to take advantage of my 23rd anniversary special.

Post by Casey Morley – I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they’re not alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.


The Often Misunderstood Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic System: Often Neglected and Misunderstood

The lymphatic system is often talked about, but its complex role in the human body is rarely understood. Without the lymphatic system neither the body, nor life could be sustained.  The lymphatic system works in close cooperation with other body systems, most importantly the immune system.

What is the Lymphatic System?

It’s an extensive and interconnected system of vessels and nodes which circulate Lymph throughout the lymphatic-system-150x150body. Lymph is derived from blood plasma, except it has a consistency more like water and is able to seep through capillary walls into spaces within body tissue.  As blood is circulated through the body, lymph leaks out and penetrates tissues, taking harmful substances with it through the lymph nodes where the toxins are filtered before they are released back into the system. The lymphatic system is considered a defense mechanism that aids the immune system in eliminating pathogens and waste.

How Does the Lymphatic System Work?

We all know the pump of the circulatory system is the heart. Blood is pumped by the heart throughout the body and cleansed by the kidneys. However, the lymphatic system does not have a heart muscle to aid in its flow, so instead the system relies on skeletal muscle contractions to move lymph upward through the 600-700 nodes in the human body for filtration. This means exercise is an important factor in lymphatic health and immune system strength.

What are the primary functions of the Lymphatic System?

  • Filters disease causing organisms
  • Sweeps toxins, bacteria, virus and germs from cells and tissues
  • Generates Antibodies
  • Provides a way for cells to eliminate waste
  • Delivers nutrients

How Do I Know if I Have a Sluggish Lymphatic System?

Those experiencing Fibromyalgia or chronic inflammation should consider a toxic, sluggish lymphatic system the culprit of water retention, muscle soreness and generalized inflammation. Other indications of lymphatic break down include chronic fatigue, allergies, swollen glands, cellulite, high blood pressure, headaches, excessive sweating, obesity, low back pain and more.

Try to get 100% nutrition, supplement nutrients if needed, and exercise. Call me at 860- 628-8857 to schedule a health screening.

Post by Casey Morley – I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.


Casey’s Business Spotlight


Check out Casey’s


on YouTube!  

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Sometimes We Wonder

I have shared in the past I have a special place for what I consider my treasures. They could be a tiny trinket, a quote or most anything that makes my heart happy. Today, it is a poem that I received in an email from a dear friend…..

God’s Cake−A must-read poem!

Sometimes we wonder, “What did I do to deserve this?” or “Why did God have to do this to me?” Here is a wonderful explanation!

 A daughter is telling her mother how everything is going wrong: she’s failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away. Meanwhile, her mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack. The daughter says, “Absolutely, Mom. I love your cake.” 

cake“Here, have some cooking oil,” her mother offers.

“Yuck,” says her daughter.

“How about a couple raw eggs?”

“Gross, Mom!”

“Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?”

“Mom, those are all yucky!”

To which the mother replies, “Yes, all those things seem bad by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake! God works the same way. Many times, we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times.

But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!

“God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He’ll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.”

 So maybe just for today don’t waste any time on thinking about what did I do to deserve this. Begin to embrace each moment of your day recognizing the beautiful tapestry you are creating called ….. your life.

photo courtesy of Coryann


Post by Casey Morley – I have emerged from a life filled with abuse and chronicle my journey in my my book,Crawling Out, due to be published soon. I hope by sharing my story I can help other victims of domestic violence realize that they too, can start their own journey of crawling out – and that they don’t have to walk alone. I am also the owner of Casey’s Image Consultants, and a Certified M’lis Wellness Consultant offering Lifestyle Change Programs for detoxifying the body. I am dedicated to helping people improve their appearance and overall health from the inside out.