Valentines Against Violence

Valentines Against Violence by Heather Novak


In her blog, Heather Novak shares what she considers a very touchy subject. Apparently, Valentine’s day has a higher than average incidence of domestic violence. February is also National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Three years ago she lost a friend to domestic violence. Go here to read her post

If you suspect you or someone you know may be in an abusive relationship The National Domestic Violence Hotline can help. 

Don’t wait!


My Afternoon With Dr. Bernie Siegel

Bernie SiegelWhat a great afternoon I shared with Dr. Bernie Siegel, at the Town and Country Club in Hartford, Connecticut. This amazing event was sponsored by the Happiness Club of Hartford. 

Dr. Siegel’s new book Love, Animals & Miracles was front and center on the sales table. But I assure you, all eyes were on this gracious, sweet, loving, wonderful man – one of the top 20 most spiritual people alive on the planet.

He shared many of his favorite treasures/messages and spoke about how important it is to love everyone and everything.

He tells us to stay in the present moment and do all you can to have a great day. I would love to share some other notes that I scribbled down …

  •  “Difficulties redirect us.”
  •  “Quiet your mind and you will see the truth.”
  •  “Quiet your mind, and send a message.”
  •  “Do what is going to make you happy.”
  •  “Find what makes you lose track of time, and you will live longer.”
  •  “You want to help people – listen to them.”
  •  “Relationships keep you alive.”
  •  “When you find pennies, you’re on the right path.”

In the picture (above), I had just finished thanking Bernie (that is what he prefers to be called) for his testimonial for my book. Here’s what he had to say:

“Your words of wisdom are so true. As a survivor you have so much to teach others and in a sense re-parent them. When you have not been blessed by wise parents, teachers and other authority figures adversity can be what enlightens you. We can all be helped by your wisdom and not have to experience the adversity to become enlightened.” ~Bernie Siegel, MD author of 365 Prescriptions for the Soul and 101 Exercises for the Soul. “We are all wounded and working at becoming complete.”  

Learn more about Dr. Bernie.Siegle at I hope you enjoyed his words of wisdom. Here’s to loving you.




We Carry It Longer Than You Can Imagine

I recently wrote a blog post about how our precious little children carry way too much emotional baggage into their every day lives – I am talking about exposure to violence and the effect it has on them. Most people have no idea that we have a national crisis that affects approximately two out of every three of our children.

Powerful Low Key Shot of a Sad Young Blonde Child

There are 76 million children living in the US. Approximately 15 million children witness, and over 46 million endure some form of abuse of and psychological trauma. Over 35 years ago, the U.S. Surgeon General, Julius B. Richmond declared violence a public health crisis of the highest priority. Yet today in 2016 this crisis still remains.

When I speak at events, I am often bringing  awareness of the difficulties children endure through such traumatic experiences. Violence has the potential to profoundly derail their safety, security, health, happiness and the ability to just be children. The ability to be able to just be kids and jump, play, learn, and grow in a safe environment.

Exposure to violence in any form harms children. Different forms of violence have different negative impacts. Our children our suffering with posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD] , eating and sleeping issues, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, and increased aggression to name a few. Many internalize incredible fear, decreased responsiveness to adults, developmental delays, some may have short and long term physical, and emotional problems. And the list continues.

Our children are being neglected, robbed of their innocence, robbed of their childhoods and their birth rights. They struggle with powerlessness and abandonment issues. They become experts at not seeing, not feeling. They become numb. It is hard for them to trust, burdened with shame and guilt. They often lose their voice, shrink from success. Day by day the peace, love and joy are squeezed out of their little bodies and these issues continue well into their adult lives.

The doubts and insecurities are different in the minds and bodies where abuse has lived. So just for today lets remember it is easier to build up a child than it is to repair an adult. 



The Universe Aligned Me With Christine Petit

Casey and Christine Petit

Christine Petit and Casey

One Friday I was busy at the salon and a client came in for her appointment, she said “I just saw Dr. Petit’s wife Christine being interviewed on WFSB channel 3”. She shared some facts and nudged me to check out the link. I was intrigued by what I learned and I ended up sending that interview link to some of my friends asking them to check it out.

Before long I learned I was nominated by one of them for Christine’s new project, Transformations: Women of Strength. Well, I will just get right to the point … after a few emails back and forth between my Editor, Nancy Hooper and Christine, I was told I was one of her picks for this great honor.

This past Thursday Christine and I met for the first time. I was welcomed into her studio with a huge warm  hug, offered some antipasto and a seat.  We had planned to just meet and chat for 30 min. Our  conversation flowed as if we were old friends catching up. Before long 2 hours had gone by. While I was there, I got to meet her husband Dr. Petit and he offered to buy me lunch. I was thrilled. Christine loved the gift I brought her (it was designed by Susan Lederman, find her at P’Zazz on Facebook. Reach her at  

We decided to give her a month to read my book. We will meet for lunch and then decide to set the date for my big day. I am SOOO excited. and honored! The day will consist of hair and makeup, a photo shoot, and finally I will be interviewed by Christine. A video will be made  for her blog.

I promise I will keep you all up to date as the beautiful divine gift from the universe plays out. I say a gift from the universe because I never could of imagined a sweeter way to meet Christine and be part of such a beautiful project.

Click here to visit Christine Petit’s website





How Long Should We Have To Carry It?

We all have lugged along a piece of luggage, often awkward or to heavy to manipulate along our long awaited for vacation. Often thinking “I know better, I tell myself all the time. Don’t pack so much. More often than not we carry back most items we never used or and daddy innocent child

That is not the case with our 15 million children witnessing domestic violence or our 46 million children enduring some form of abuse They don’t have a choice of what to pack. How many think about what our little ones living in this type of environment carry along with them  each and every day. Just for a moment please visualize this. That precious sweet innocent little 5 year old excited to finally get to go to school with her new pencils and perhaps her new Barbie lunch box. But inside her lunch box along with her lunch or snack it is full of  FEAR. Fear that  she lives with every day. Or the little guy who carry’s his Batman, or Spiderman backpack along with his books he carries shame and guilt. Each and every day, they worry about  how can they make it ALL!! Stop or perhaps along with the worry how do they hide their to blame for all that is going on at home. Thinking “if only I  could behave better mommy wont cry so much”.

Each day, each month these backpacks, lunch boxes, gym bags are filled more and more with the feelings of being dismissed, devalued, building inferior, or low self-esteem issues that get bigger and bigger   that these precious gifts we call children carry well into their  teens and adult lives. YET these children are supposed to show up in every day life and be the best they can be and become stars.

So I ask you with out more awareness and education about what is really going on all around us. “What chance do our babies have?” Please join me on my mission to educating and bringing enlightenment to those who have no idea. Visit my Resource page spend a few minutes on a site or two,  perhaps you will be nudge to make a difference in a loved ones life by talking it, teaching your young, volunteering, and or making a pledge..

Thank you for your time.




I was in the Citizen Newspaper!

appleseed dick fortunato






January 15, 2016

No longer a victim, woman gains empowerment

Today’s story deals with the often hidden terror of violence and abuse in the home.  The personal journey of a Southington woman who virtually lived her childhood under the cruel parental dominance of forced domestic labor in the darkness of an abusive home, a dysfunctional family, and a fear-filled environment is revealed in her own story that becomes a crusade through her teens and adult years in a daunting struggle to crawl out of a life of victimhood.

The owner of Casey’s Image Consultants in Southington, Cosmetologist Casey Morley has written a book that journalizes her courageous and tortuous battle of half a century to ultimate escape from her entrapment as a img_0158victim. “How does a child know that living in an abusive environment is not normal?” Morley asks. This further opens the danger of an abused child whose emotional persona could emerge in adulthood as one accepting cruelty as a way of life.

Morley’s story, published in 2014 under the title “Crawling Out: One woman’s journey to an empowered life after breaking a cycle of abuse no one should have to endure” is the result of her years of tedious hand written notes and journaling her experience. 

The book chronicles her childhood years as “my mother’s slave” following her father’s early exit in her life and a stepfather with a penchant for insensitive behavior and incidents of inappropriate interest in her. Her relationship with her siblings was fragile at best given the conditions that surrounded all of them.

In her early teens she seized the opportunity to leave the family and move in with a neighboring family for which she had been a baby-sitter and remained with them in a nurturing environment until she was 18.  Morley then had to face the challenge of independence, caring for her own needs while working, continuing her education and training as a certified cosmetologist, trying to improve her place in life.  But in her adult years she was charmed by a man in a new relationship. The happiness was short-lived. His alcoholism, chronic unemployment and abject irresponsibility soon yielded to an unpredictable, unstable presence in Morley’s life.

Meanwhile, Morley was challenged by work, partnerships, landlords and ownership of a business while raising a child without assistance. Morley had deep faith and persisted in searching for answers with counselling ultimately leading to her getting the deceptions and violence of one man out of her life.  However, her ‘victimhood ‘was to re-emerge in another relationship which was different but just as crippling to her emotionally and physically. That, too, ended but only after repeated pleadings of another alcoholic to give their doomed relationship dozens of second chances.

Morley’s driving energy to create awareness to those who are locked into the heartbreak and humiliation of abusive relationships has led her to speaking engagements at such places as Anna Maria College, Paxton, MA and Northeastern University, Boston, MA and abuse support groups. “Crawling Out” has also received the attention of Elmer R. Freeman, Executive Director of the Center for Community Health Education Research and Service, Inc. at Northeastern University and Director of the Office of Urban Health Programs and Policy at Bouve College of Health Sciences in Boston. Freeman suggests that “Crawling Out” may be used as a hand out to participants in their group programs for domestic violence and abuse. He stated to Morley, “Your story of survival is powerful and inspirational, and would undoubtedly be a useful tool for survivors who are dealing with the trauma of leaving a relationship with an abuser.”

The book, published by Balboa Press, is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other book sellers. Casey Morley is emerging on the scene as an advocate for the millions of children, women (and men) who are victims of the abuse of domestic violence and alcoholism. Morley may be reached at Also see her website at                                                                                     ©Appleseed 2014 E. Richard Fortunato


23rd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards

readers digest award

Crawling Out was reviewed by Writer’s Digest!  Check out the judge’s comments below … 
Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “needs improvement” and 5 meaning “outstanding”. This scale is strictly to provide a point of reference, it is not a cumulative score and does not reflect ranking.
Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 4Crawling_Out_Cover_FINAL
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 4
Production Quality and Cover Design: 4
Plot and Story Appeal: 5
Character Appeal and Development: 5
Voice and Writing Style: 4
Judge’s Commentary (in its entirety)
Crawling Out, Casey Morley
“Congratulations on writing and publishing your book! The packaging is polished and professional. The front cover image is powerful and drew my attention immediately. I do think your name could be in lighter or brighter font to make it more prominent. The back cover copy does a great job of marketing your book to your audience. You have done a great job blending nonfiction, inspiration, and personal experience. You handle a difficult subject matter in a sensitive and caring manner. The structure and organization of the book is effective. Good job with pacing: each chapter flowed smoothly and you have included just the right amount of details and description. You focus on showing us the story in action and dialogue and only use narration when necessary. I appreciated the many resources you included for your readers. Great job with grammar and proofreading. The formatting of the interior of the book is effective, although the spacing between lines seems a little large: you might be able to save on paper and printing costs by tightening this up a bit. Watch out for long blocks of italics: this can be difficult to read and it dilutes the impact of using italics. You have a great web site: I think you could put the URL in a more prominent place on the book cover.”




A Message of Thanksgiving from the Angels

On Thanksgiving morning my friend Barbara sent out this email, I think if we all try to remember this message we will have happier days, and eventually happier more successful lives. Barbara had this to share ….

Early this morning while meditating the Angels asked if I would relay their message to you. Even if you do not live in the U.S. their message applies to every human for every day. Following is what they had to say:

A Message of Thanksgiving from the Angels:

angel picture“On this Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., and whatever day it is for you around the world, we  ask that you focus on what is “right” in your world.  Discard the thoughts of what is wrong.  For the more you focus on your blessings the more blessings will be attracted to you.  One of the Universal Laws is — like attracts like.

Do you see that you have the power in your thoughts to create the reality you desire instead of accepting what appears as gloom and doom on your nightly news forecasts? Each and every human has the ability to change that which exists that is not comfortable, into something more comfortable, loving and caring just by adjusting your thoughts. This may sound like fantasy or science fiction, but we, your angels, can attest to the fact that we have witnessed miracles on Earth by those who have taken the time to turn their negative situations into positive outcomes.

Again, we repeat each and every human on Earth has this same ability.  You just have to put it into practice and witness for yourself how your life changes.  You may “think” that you, as an individual cannot do anything, but coupled with the Beings of Light you can perform miracles – Just ASK for our help!

Contribute to and be a part of the positive changes which are coming to Earth.

Be at Peace and KNOW that you are loved!”



Barbara M. Hardie
Angel Connections


So what do you think of the message the angels had to share with us?



Men Are Helping as Well!

I am all about educating and raising awareness to what is going on All! around us concerning domestic violence and  our  rising alarming statistics. I real-mad-logoreceived this link from my friend Nancy in an email, after watching this I thought it would be imperative to share with you. Christan Rainey made it his business. The 30-year-old goes to fire and police stations, schools, anywhere that invites him. He counsels men about male culture and how they treat women.

His non-profit called “Real Mad – Men Against Domestic Violence” gets victims and abusers help they need. Please check out his story on CBS and his non-profit and let me know what your thoughts are.                                             


Hugs Casey


A Celebration of Survival

I was honored to be invited by Elmer Freeman, PhD, Executive Director of CCHERS, The Center for Community Health Education Research and Service, Inc. to be the key note speaker at their 20th Annual ‘Celebration of Survival‘ that took place October 27th, 2015 at Northeastern University.

Community Advocacy Program (CAPS) is a vital partnership among CCHERS celebrated 20 years of exemplary service to the many individuals and families affected by domestic violence. CAP has provided confidential domestic violence services for community health center clients and for Boston residents. Their annual ‘Celebration of Survival‘ is a testimonial to the resiliency of survivors with inspiring stories of growth, perseverance and transformation. I was so thrilled to be able to share my own inspiring story of transformation and survival at this event.

City Counselor, Ayanna Pressley was recognized for her relentless determination to advance policy agenda focused on girls and women, breaking the cycles of poverty and all forms of violence and reducing trauma in our communities. She also shared her own story as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault as a college student.  

CCHERS is a community-based organization promoting the development of “academic community health centers,” that integrate education, research, and service, to influence and change health professions education; improve health care delivery; and promote health systems change to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health.

I greatly appreciated the warn reception I was given at this festive fundraising event attended by medical doctors, mental health care workers, professors, counselors, lawmakers and other influential people. I was moved by the camaraderie and connection we shared in addition to their commitment to raising awareness and advancing my mission.

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I Got Flowers Today

 I was tagged from a childhood school friend on Facebook, she shared this so I thought  I would post it just as it is. This little story is the very reason  I am on a mission to educate and raise awareness of our alarming statistics  on domestic violence. This  is what it is  ALL about. For many victims this is exactly how it goes. In the United States alone 15 million children witness and over 46 million children endure some form of abuse. Often many witnessed such a life as children and sadly 96% will grow up and repeat history.

Casey Morley, you work so hard in getting this message out to the public, I am sharing this in honor of those who will understand.

Lisa Hatchett

We had our first argument last night, and he said loads of cruel things that really hurt me. I KNOW he’s sorry and didn’t mean the things he said, because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. It wasn’t our anniversary or any other special day. Last night he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like a nightmare, I couldn’t believe it was real. I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over.I know he MUST be sorry because he sent me flowers today.I got flowers today; it wasn’t Mother’s Day or any other special day. Last night, he beat me up again; it was much worse than all the other times. If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of my kids? What about money? I’m afraid of him but scared to leave. But I know he MUST be sorry because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. Today was a very special day. It was the day of my funeral. Last night, he finally killed me. He beat me to death. If only I had gathered enough courage to leave him, I wouldn’t have gotten flowers today. If YOU are against Domestic Abuse, please pass this web site along to everyone – Not just women:

See More



Upcoming Events

Join me in celebrating National Authors Day with 7 other CT authors  on November 1st at the Book Club Book Store 100 Main Street Brook Brook CT 10:30am-2pm


Broad Mind “exploring the minds of writers, authors and beyond” would not exist without Windsor Community Television’s (winTV) persuasion, belief and encouragement. We are gathering together to give thanks for winTV’s dedication to introducing CT authors to the Windsor Community. Please join us at Broad Mind Book Fair hosted by the Windsor Historical Society, November 7th 11-4pm 96 Palisado Ave. Windsor, CT.   




Casey On CT Style


You’re not alone in your perpetual struggle to crawl out.

Casey on CT Style

Casey with Teresa & Ryan

Victims of abuse and domestic violence have been demonized, like the abuse they’ve suffered is a personal sin, a choice, the price of denial – of not knowing any better. I am often heard saying, “how do you get out of something you don’t know your in?”

The surge of victims of domestic violence has fueled a desire in me to help – to be vulnerable and share my story – to encourage – give hope – to move many to empowerment. Get off that square with man eating sharks lurking all around you. Regain your birth right to be at peace.

I want to help victims of this nationwide epidemic find the voice and courage to speak out and seek help.  To learn more about me and my mission, watch my interview on Channel 8, CT Style (below) that took place on October 21st. Let me know what you think.







Say NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault.

Go HERE to find out how you can help  us spread the word.





Respect Life Conference


I was honored to be one of the presenters at the 16th annual Respect Life Conference on October 17th at Holy Angels Church in Meriden. My topic: 50 Years -Untold Fears. I was overwhelmed not only by the standing-room only crowd, but also by the number of invitations to share my story with even more groups and churches.

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16th Annual Respect Life Conference

Saturday October 17th 2015 9am-3pm

Topic 50 Years – Untold Fears

The conference will take place at the Holy Angels Parish Center 585 Main Street South Meriden,


 8:00 a.m. Registration

9:00 a.m. Welcome and Opening Prayer

9:30 a.m. Workshops (your choice)

(a.) Marie Laffin Sharing the Grief of Abotion

(b.) Casey Morley Fifty Years–Untold Fears: Domesc Violence and Abuse

(c.) Sister Catherine Mary Clarke A Chrisan Approach to Embracing the Natural Dying Process

10:30 a.m. Keynote Speaker Pay Schneier In Defense of Love

12:00 p.m. Respect Life Mass

1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker Jason Scott Jones In Memory and Identity

3:00 p.m. Close